Thursday 16 January 2014

You got fight for your right to be crafty.....

 Thursday Jan 16th

Today is an uninterrupted day of mosaics.  I am attempting to get all my mushrooms completed so I know what printed tiles I will have surplus and can give away.  I had duplicated many of the pieces, thinking they would be nice to leave behind as gifts.  Bruno Sirota –  my friend from Argentina comes and ask if he may have one of my spare tiles to use in his own work.  I happily give him a copy of my favourite Jimmy Hendrix quote’s ‘ When the power of love, overcomes the love of power, the world will know piece”.

In response to the worries of the officials, Isidora walks around the project  with the Mayor.  Apparently there is still concern about showing a bottle of wine on a Government building.   The artist Kim Wozniak explains that her reasoning behind the bottle was that Chile is famous for its vineyards and she wanted to show this in her work.   The Mayor appears to be someone who appreciates art and beauty and the concept of the International cultural exchange that is in process here on the walls of the town hall.  But I guess he still has his constituency   to think of and he tells Isidora that my 3  3D skulls must go as they might offend.  As a deeply Catholic country, he believes that they might be interpreted as something to do with the devil or upset people.  Isidora tells me to wait before removing them and try to speak with the Mayor myself, and to explain to him my reasoning behind them.
The artists to my left – Nat Lee, Tammi Lynch - Forrest and Robert Markley all offer to down tools and come out on strike if my skulls are removed.  They are more than willing to fight for us to have total creative freedom. Robert I discover is a political activist artist himself - my elder and a person who has worked on community mosaic projects across the world. 

All around me the walls are being covered in wonderful mosaics. It is clear that each artist has come with the intention of leaving a gift of the best work they can create in the time available. Many like me have brought their own artefacts to include in their work. There are special tiles, glass, mirror, metal, ceramics, natural rock, beads all being added.  You can feel the love that is being bestowed upon this building.  I think it comes from the deep gratitude of those present to be able to take part in such a unique and wonderful project.

I have hope that the Mayor can be persuaded and that nothing is removed from this magical garden.

In the evening Isidora takes us to meet her grandfather – Eduardo Martinez Bonati. is a well respected and well known Chilean artist and it is a real treat to see his work and hang out with him. 

Stephanie Roberts from Wales work.

Kim Wozniak from USA work.

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